Why Does Raw Honey Crystalise?

Raw honey contains a natural balance of sugars, primarily glucose and fructose, as well as water and other compounds. When the glucose content exceeds the solubility threshold in the honey, it begins to form crystals. Factors such as temperature, moisture content, and the presence of pollen and other particles can influence the crystallisation process. While some honeys crystallise quickly, others may remain liquid for extended periods.

Has crystalised honey spoilt?

One common misconception is that crystallised honey is spoiled. In reality, crystallisation is a natural and reversible process that does not affect the taste or nutritional value of honey.

Why doesn’t Jarrah Honey Crystalise?

While all honey has the potential to crystallise, certain varieties are known for their resistance to this process. For example, Western Australian Jarrah honey has low glucose levels, making it far less prone to crystallisation. This unique honey variety offers a smooth and creamy texture even when stored for extended periods.

Tips to Manage Crystalised Honey:

If your raw honey crystallises, don’t panic! Here are some tips

  1. Gentle Heat: Place the jar of crystallised honey in a bowl of warm water or place by the window in a sunny position

  2. Enjoy as Is: Embrace the unique texture of crystallised honey and use it in your Favorite recipes or as a spread.

Conclusion: In conclusion, crystallisation is a natural and common occurrence in raw honey, driven by factors such as sugar composition and environmental conditions. Understanding why honey crystallises and dispelling myths surrounding this process can help everyone appreciate the purity and quality of raw honey.